Whats your home worth? Not as much as you think.

Sellers miscalculate even with the known fact there is a shortage of inventory. Some sellers believe their property went up 25 to 30 % because of the shortage. However; when properties have been on the market for months and months it is a price issue. Home prices at market and in good condition sell within days. If you overprice your home and get no bites you must reduce the price. Easy as this approach may seem some sellers have a tough time reducing price. It is your home and and you have a certain amount of pride in it, but you have to have reasonable expectations and detach yourself emotionally. Please feel free to call us anytime at 727-455-0455.

Florida leads nation in Housing Recovery.

According to all National Housing statistics Florida is in the lead in the housing recovery going on in all of the country. Statistics show Orlando in the lead with all other major cities showing an uptick in home sale price. The main ingredient for the recovery shows less people behind on their payments, more available jobs at higher wages, and a general improvement in the overall Florida economy. The only negative in the report was the lack of homes available for sale. Now,right now is an excellent time to sell your home. There are qualified buyers ready to buy. Please contact us for your real estate options.

Home ‘Pocket Listings ‘ Go Mainstream

No local real estate listing, No for sale sign,or even an open house. More and more properties are now being sold as ” Pocket Listings”. Such properties are pitched mostly by word of mouth between realtors and clients. Buyers really love access to houses that are not publicly listed while sellers have greater control over the process. Agents who use pocket listings can generate an air of exclusivity and also reduces the risk of a property sitting too long on the market which reduces value. Also sellers like the fact it eliminates holding open houses and reduces the amount of people trampling through houses with no intention of buying.  Interesting selling tactic with a limited audience but effective for a number of people.

Rates Not Driving Home Sales

Lower mortgage rates help but are just part of the puzzle. The case can be made interest rates take back seat to credit conditions and pent up demand. Per all accounts Fannie Mae has loosened credit which makes it easier to get a mortgage. Perhaps the Fed may not have to worry about sabotagging the housing recovery when it finally raises rates.

FHA tighter rules my hurt first-time buyers.

The no counting towards debt ratio student loans are now a thing of the past. Rather than ignore FHA will now require a 2% of the outstanding balance be counted toward when calculating monthy DTI.  If you have a 20,000 dollar balance 2% of the balance ill be a 400 dollar payment towards your DTI. Ouch. Also more of an investigation into gifts is in focus. Still a go to program but a little tougher. Please call for more details. 

No Rate Raise

It appears the Fed is not interested in increasing rates at this time. Wow, if you are a buyer or a seller this is just a confidence boost. If you are thinking about conducting any business in real estate now is a fabulous opportunity. These rates will not last forever and the timing is opportunistic. With the rental market still strong investor opportunities are present. Please give us a call to discuss any real estate topic. 


On this day we came together as Americans putting all else aside to help one another in our time of need. We watched bravery and courage transpire right before our eyes, without any doubt or hesitation. Some paid the ultimate price, some continue to suffer. We must always remember the humanity that took place in the face of a devastating tragedy. We came together as people to help one another. Remember to keep this day and the people and our country in your thoughts and prayers.

Strong Outlook for Housing Demand

“Strong housing demand combined with continued tight supply should boost house prices by over 4 percent this year,” according to the economists at Freddie Mac. Eventually, home builders will start to increase the supply of single-family homes overall. But for now supply is expected to remain on the tight side.

“Home sales are on track for the best year since 2007,” say the economists at Freddie Mac. “We expect the economy to post a stronger second half, especially in the housing sector.”

That will continue to support home price appreciation for investors in single-family homes. At the same time, a strengthening economy will support demand for single-family rental housing.

“Landlords will have the ability to keep pushing rental rates over the next four years while realizing steady appreciation on their underlying asset [the house],” according to Burns.                                                                                                      Copyright © 2015 Penton Media, Bendix Anderson

Let us assist you finding that perfect investment property by calling today!

Kathy & Tony Perna

Moving? 10 tips to make it easier

NEW YORK – Sept. 2, 2015 – Moving can be a stressful undertaking, but there are simple ways to make the process more organized. CityLab recently asked moving experts to share their top tips.

First steps

Document all your cords: “Take photos or make notes on the way all your media equipment is set up: television, sound equipment, modems and computer equipment,” says Lior Rachmany, CEO of Dumbo Moving + Storage in New York City.
Update your address: Streamline the change of address process by using Updater, which saves time and money by forwarding mail. It also updates numerous businesses including alumni associations, charities and professional organizations with your new address. Updater even shares moving announcements with friends and family.
Create a pet plan: Consider leaving pets with a friend or a boarder until the move is complete.
Schedule touch-up paint jobs: If you’re renting, you will need to see if you’re responsible for paint job touch-ups before moving out. If so, schedule a painter before the move. “Once you have a moving date set, get a painting bid and plan for the painter to be the last person in before you turn the keys over,” suggests Brendon DeSimone, author of Next Generation Real Estate. “Waiting until the last minute could be a logistical nightmare.”
Recruit some help. Not using a mover? Make sure you repay family and friends for their help.
Packing 101

Pack a “first night in the new house” box: The last thing you want to do after moving all day is dig through boxes to find your toothbrush. Designate a box for toiletries, medications, deodorant and a change of clothes so they’re easy to find.
Suitcases are your friends: Use your large suitcases as easily transportable storage. Fill them with clothes, towels and lightweight items.
Remember important documents: Don’t toss birth certificates or other important but easy-to-lose documents in random boxes. Make a folder to hold anything important and carry it with you.

Strategize your layout: Label items so movers don’t put them in the wrong room. You can also make signs showing where large items need to go.
Save all receipts: “In many cases, moving expenses are deductible from federal income taxes,” says Rachmany of Dumbo Moving + Storage. “If you’re moving because of a change in employment, you may be able to claim this deduction even if you do not itemize.” Try to keep track of all moving costs for your accountant.
Source: “13 Tips to Make Moving Slightly Less Hellish,” CityLab (Aug. 6, 2015)

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